
Richard Tallent’s occasional blog

Posting from IPhone

First post made directly from iPhone WordPress app. Watching CNN coverage of Iran election fallout.

I don’t know whether the election reults are accurate or not. But once the government started responding to peaceful protest and questions with violence and oppression, they lost their legitimacy.

“The consent of the governed” is not a requirement to have leaders elected with a simple majority.

Obama us doing the right thing here. This is not our fight. We should vocally protest the violence, but it is not our place to make demands or threaten military interverion. Change to Iran’s religious leadership’s role in the government can only be changed by the people.

BTW, Senator “Bomb Iran” McCain is a douche for trying to use these people’s deaths to score political points.

I heard somethig tonight that I think sums up our role: after 911, the world told us that “we are all Americans.” Tonight, we are all Iranians.


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