
Richard Tallent’s occasional blog

Making Word 2010 Show ONE PAGE AT A TIME

I’ve been fighting with Word 2010 at work for months, trying to figure out how to simply view a document the way I want — ONE page at a time (not side by side), but also zoomed in to a comfortable reading level.

Unfortunately, some asshole code weenie at Microsoft decided that Word 2010 would ALWAYS show pages side by side UNLESS you either (1) zoom in too far for two pages to fit (which is too wide), (2) resize your window to do the same (too distracting), or (3) choose a “one-page” view that zooms out so the entire page is on-screen (too small).

After digging around, I finally found this solution on a forum. I wish it was on StackOverflow so I could upvote it, create 10 fake accounts, and upvote it more times:


Here’s what works (Word 2010 with Win 7):

1. Set view in Page Layout mode

2. In the View tab of the ribbon, open the zoom dialog box using the Zoom button and select 1 page wide by 2 pages high (DO NOT change the zoom percentage in this dialog). Or in the View tab of the ribbon, click on the “one page” button (not sure of the exact button name in the English version of Word).

3. Adjust the zoom using ONLY the scroll wheel (ctrl+scroll button). NEVER use the zoom slider at the bottom-right of the window to adjust zoom. NEVER use the zoom button in the View tab of the ribbon to adjust zoom. And remember to ALWAYS use ctrl+scroll wheel to adjust zoom.

It seems Microsoft forgot to screw-up the “ctrl+scroll button” function when they messed around with the way the zoom slider works

I don’t know who user “mousetrap” is over there, but whoever you may be, BLESS YOU for actually posting a solution that works!


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